Taking advantage of the patent prosecution highway between cipo and the uspto
By Eduardo Fonseca and Ashley Chu Read at THIS LINK. This article was published in the 13th edition of REVISTA the official magazine of ASPI

Bill 96 – impact on ip practice
by Mark Butler On June 1, 2022, the National Assembly of Quebec passed Bill 96, An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Quebec. The purpose of the Act, from the Explanatory Notes, is to affirm “that the only official language of Quebec is French”...

Client alert – changes to patent examination procedure in Canada
by Janice Kelland Recent amendments to the Canadian Patent Rules which will affect the cost of examining patent applications in Canada have just been registered and will be in effect before the end of the year. These requirements can be avoided if a request for...

Rebecca Huang – called to the bar
The Partners, Associates and Staff at Moffat & Co. wish to offer their congratulations to Rebecca Huang on her recent call to the Bar. Rebecca completed her articles with our sister firm Macera & Jarzyna LLP this spring and is now a freshly minted Barrister...

Federal court clarifies test for patent subject matter eligibility
By Jerome Bastien The Federal Court has recently issued a decision in the case of Benjamin Moore & Co. v. The Attorney General of Canada, 2022 FC 923. This case follows the Amazon decisions by the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal, and the more recent...

Canada’s federal court issues unprecedented site blocking order to stop piracy of stanley cup playoffs
By Jaimie Bordman As copyright pirates continue to develop ever more complex ways to evade copyright enforcement, content owners must continually devise new ways of stopping them. In a recent decision, Canada’s Federal Court has provided content owners a significant...

Canada to change copyright term
By Jaimie Bordman The length of the term of copyright protection in Canada is going up. Canada’s budget implementation bill contains amendments to the Copyright Act that will extend the term of copyright. The new term length will be the life of the author, plus 70...

Cipo publishes first determinations related to due care
By Ashley Chu The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) recently published its first determinations regarding due care. Since the amendments to the Patent Act and Patent Rules came into force on October 30, 2019, applicants and patentees have been required to...

Canada’s supreme court affirms that tariffs certified by the copyright board are not mandatory
By Jaimie Bordman Canada’s Supreme Court has recently affirmed that tariffs for dealing with copyright-protected works levied by copyright collective societies and certified by the Copyright Board, are optional. Users of copyright-protected material are free to opt...
SUBWAY wins injunction against budway cannabis shop
By Jaimie BORDMAN It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. This provides little comfort to the owners of famous brands, however, since “imitation” can cause serious problems such as confused customers and erosion of the brand owner’s valuable...
We have a diverse client base including local inventors and businesses, as well as multinational corporations. We represent the intellectual property interests of our clients in over 200 countries.
Our professionals have advanced degrees in many fields such as engineering, law, business, and science, and we believe having a strong personal life is good for our business. It’s part of the firm outlook. At any given time, there is likely to be a Moffat & Co. professional arguing a case, another drafting a patent claim, and a third trekking across a glacier or perfecting a soufflé.